Equilibrium conditions
- The state of a body or physical system that is at rest or inconstant and unchanging conditions.
- Means equilibrium is a state of balance.
- To understand equilibrium let a simple example of a see-saw.
- If two persons having almost equal weight, sit on opposite sides of the see-saw and their distances from center point are same , then the see-saw would not be tilted.
- It is define as equilibrium condition of mass.
Reference: for more detail visit pakoraz.wordpress.com
Application of
Equilibrium conditions in various engineering fields.
- Equilibrium implies the object is at rest (static) or its center of mass moves with a constant velocity (dynamic).
- Static equilibrium is a common situation in engineering.
- Principles involved are of particular interest to civil engineers, architects, and mechanical engineers.
- In chemistry by the help of equilibrium we can study the phase diagrams and analyse boiling points, melting points, freezing points, triple pressure and temperatures of any component.
- For water the phase diagrams are shown
- 2 D phase diagrams
3 D phase diagrams
Reference more detail visit HTTP://Wikipedia/wiki/Phase_diagram
- In chemistry it also useful to study the reversible and irreversible reactions.
- The condition existing when a chemical reaction and its reverse reaction proceed at equal parts.
Very well decribed